Fate of the

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


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  • Picture
  • Text
  • Video

Picture Submission

  • *Title: Please enter the title of your work.
  • *Description: Please enter the description first.
  • *Upload:
    • Upload
    Please tap a picture to set cover.
  • *Tag: Please select a tag first.
  • *Please select a tag first.

Video Submission

  • *Upload: Please upload the video link.
  • *Video Thumbnails:
    • 上传封面
    Please upload a thumbnail.
  • *Title: Please enter the title of your work.
  • *Description: Please enter the briefing first.
  • *Tag: Please select a tag first.

Article Submission

  • *Title: Please enter the title of your work.
  • *Briefing: Please enter the briefing first.
  • *Body Text:
    Please enter the body text first.
  • *Tag: Please select a tag first.
  • *Please select a tag first.

Personal Info

  • *Name: Please enter your Name.
  • *Profile:
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    Please select a profile.
  • *Server Region:
    Please select server region.
  • *In-game Name: Please enter your In-Game Name.
  • Notice: Personal Info cannot be changed once submitted,please double check before submitting it.
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