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First Day in Palace - Hero Guide2021-03-29 19:00:00

Your Highness,

In Fate of the Empress, you’ll need to deal with countless formidable enemies, and it’s impossible to make it on your own. In this case, you’ll need Heroes, your reliable alliances who fight for you to defeat the enemies.


Heroes in Palace were never ordinary people~ In fact, all of them used to be well-known people in ancient China. And now they’re coming to you after hundreds and thousands of years.

Hero Class

Heroes have their Classes as well: Guard (Single DMG), Scholar (AOE), Gourmet (Support), and Doctor (Control). 

There are 4 Hero Qualities: UR, SSR, SR and R, ranked from the highest to the lowest Quality. Of course, higher quality means a greater ability the Hero owns, therefore, The quality of a hero is very important for choosing a hero into your team~


Hero Skill

There are 3 types of Hero Skills: Active Skill, Rage Skill and Passive Skill. And each of them has a different condition to be unleashed.  


Guard: Most Skills of Guards are single DMG, which can deal huge damage to one target. Hence, Guards are suitable for reaping in the final stage or instantly killing a single enemy.

Scholar: They are AOE dealers, whose skills can bring damage to multiple targets in one hit, lowering all enemies’ HP as a result.

Gourmet: The Skills of Gourmets usually provide mighty support and heal to the alliance, helping the team to fight with better protection.

Doctor: They are powerful controllers who deal with various kinds of special debuffs to the targets, and assist the team in charge of the battle.

Hero Cultivation

Heroes need cultivation in order to get more powerful. You can Level Up, Equip, Upgrade, Advance, and Awaken your Heroes. Under the cultivation, Heroes will become more and more powerful in combat.


Hero Embattle

You can manage your Hero line-up and manage their position freely in Embattle function. Hurry up, collect your favorite Heroes and form your dreaming squad!


Hero Summon

Curious about how to collect new Heroes? It’s just easy - enter the Summon Tower, and you can summon Heroes there~ Wish Your Highness good luck to obtain your Heroes with high quality!


This is the end of the basic guide about Heroes, and hope it would benefit you when you start the journey. Remember, collect and train your Heroes carefully to improve your might! 

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