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Discover Their Stories - Skin Anecdote2021-06-11 21:30:00

With the latest update, the new gameplay Skin Anecdote has come to the Fate of the Empress! Do you know that every hero has their own story? Head into the Skin Anecdote to explore the past of heroes. And there are a lot of Skin Shards and Hero Shards waiting for you to get!

You can click Biography in the Daily to enter the Skin Anecdote.


There are two types of Skin pick: the Player's pick is made by yourself, each allowed to have two Hero Skins at one time; Players in the guild can challenge the Guild's pick after the leader of Guild made the Guild's Hero Skin pick. The stars on the screen stand for the difficulty of the battle, which means the more stars, the more difficult battle would be. So Meixin needs to remind you to carefully consider the Hero Skin choice~ Once you start the challenge, the selected Hero Skin cannot be refreshed.


There are layers to challenge in the anecdote. You need to defeat the targets of the layer (Elite and Boss) to enter the next layer. The rewards including Skin Shards and Hero Shards will be obtained after you win each battle. In the meantime, when you reach a certain layer, you can unlock the Story Rewards to get extra Skin Shards and Hero Shards and explore the story of the hero.




Your character's and heroes' HP will be retained during the challenges. Remember to make the best use of the HP recovery items, Assist and Revive to get through the layers. There are two kinds of assists: lending Heroes and borrowing Heroes. A player can lend 5 Heroes with the highest Might in a day. Every Hero can be lent 5 times. Borrowing other players' Heroes costs Guild Contribution points. Conversely, you can lend Heroes to get Contribution points from others.


That's all about today's guide of Skin AnecdoteDo you feel quite challenging? Enter the game and experience it for yourself! If you have any further questions or ideas, please feel free to share and discuss on our official Facebook page and Discord~
