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2024/12/17 Maintenance Announcement2024-12-16 10:00:00

Dear Ladies and Lords,


To provide you with a better gaming experience, all servers of Fate of the Empress will be under maintenance on 2024/12/17 (UTC+8). You will not be able to login to the game during the maintenance. The estimated maintenance duration is about 5 hours. And maintenance time may be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Update rewards will be sent by mail after the maintenance.


This update will be contained in a patch, which will be detected and loaded when you log in to the game after the maintenance.


Maintenance Duration】

SEA Servers: 12/17 14:40 - 19:40 (UTC+8)

NA Servers: 12/16 22:40 - 12/17 03:40 (UTC-8)

EU Servers: 12/17 07:40 - 12:40 (UTC+1)



1. New Function and Gameplay

- New Anniversary Event: Shared Journey

Unlock: Character Lv. 36; Server with Division

Event Time: 2024/12/18 10:00:00 - 2025/1/12 23:00

Display Time: 2025/1/12 23:00 - 2025/1/14 23:59

Entrance: Tap "Shared Journey" on the upper left corner of the main interface to participate in Shared Journey event; Tap “Mysterious Letter”above the chat box to unlock the Frostbitten Wrath stories of Shared Journey.

For four years, we've shared this splendid journey. During the Shared Journey event, your highness can experience the stories of Shared Journey — Frostbitten Wrath and claim the chest rewards for completing each chapter of the stories. You can play hide and seek in the game and act as Pursuers and Hiders in the [Nightmare Trace] event, with a chance to get new Hair - Frenzy Chase. In the [Fireworks Flicker] event, your highness can craft and set off fireworks to obtain rewards and support Heroes. A grand gala will be held at certain times. For more details, please explore in the game.

Participate in the event of Shared Journey to get [Decree Coins] and [Decree Points]. [Decree Coins] can be used to exchange for rewards, such as the new Ride - Sundae Swirl and Relic shards of Moonrise Wheel, in the Decree Shop. [Decree Points] are the basis for the rankings of [Dragon's Decree], which also decides ranking rewards such as the New Ride - Vernal Corner and Profile Decoration - Snow Plains.


- New Function: Gear Runes

Unlock condition: Character Lv. 100

Entrance: Gear -> Runes

How to Get: As drops from [Rolling Fortune] roulette in Summon Tower; As participation drops from Shared Journey event.

There are Fabled and Godly Runes. Runes has 4 types, each fit for heroes of different classes. Only Godly and better Gear can be equipped with Runes (Runes are not available for Celestial Aura Gear). Consume [Runestone] to level up Runes and improve attributes added. Runes are capped at Lv. 15.


- New Function: Celestial Gear

Unlock: Character Lv. 160; Server with Division

Celestial Gear has a maximum advance level of +8, a refine level cap of 80 and a Burnish Star level cap of 20 stars, with 5 gem slots are available for inlaying.  Class-exclusive Godly Gear from the [Galaxy], [Deity], [Nebula], [Unification] and [Onrush] series can be advanced to Celestial Gear after reaching +15. Your highness can obtain Celestial Gear from [Opulence], [Stele], [Erudite], [Gibbous] and [Umbra] series from events. Collecting a full set of Celestial Gear grants powerful exclusive class bonus effect.


2. New Scholar GR Hero: Duoyun Xu


| Active Skill: Flooding Gold (Lv.1)

Deal DMG of 350% ATK to 3 enemies. If the target is Demented or Possessed, an extra DMG of 150% the attacker's ATK will be dealt.

| Rage Skill: Desperate Attempt (Lv.1)

Decrease 20% max HP(can be healed) increase ATK by 10% in the round (unable to be triggered when HP is lower than 30%), and deal DMG of 600% ATK to all enemies. If the target is Demented or Possessed, an extra DMG of 400% the attacker's ATK will be dealt.

| Passive Skill: Wealth Charm (Lv.0)

At the beginning of each round,dealDMG of 200% ATK to 4 enemies and cast [Dement] or [Possess], lasting 2 rounds. In the battle, Duoyun Xu's active and Rage skills ignore 10% of the enemy's DEF. At the end of each round, Demented and Possessed enemies receive DMG of 10% their max HP (no more than200% of the attacker's ATK and calculated respectively).

[Dement]: Decrease Buff DMG dealt to Duoyun Xu by 60%.

[Possess]: Increase DMG taken by 30% when attacked by Duoyun Xu and such attacks ignore Shield. [Dement] and [Possess] cannot be dispelled, and after being attacked by Duoyun Xu,the next healing effect decreases by 100%.

| Bond Skill: Wealthy Union (Lv.0)

[Dement] and [Possess] cast by Duoyun Xu won't be dispelled by Lady Chanluo's skills. When deployed with Xi, increase the Final DMG Buff of Duoyun Xu by 30% When deployed with Lady Chanluo increase the Final DMG Decrease of Duoyun Xu by 30% and double his healing effect received.


3. New Pet: Lynx


Gift: 75-180   

Personality: Brave

|Exclusive Skill:

Scorching Wail (Unlock at Condense Tier 9): In the first 5 rounds, a chance to stun the enemy of the highest ATK, randomly casting Menace on a target, a chance to Suppress the target, and a higher chance of CRIT Rate against all Menaced or Suppressed targets.


4. New Relic: Romance Case (Supernal), Sacred Token (Supernal), Phoenix Diadem (Supernal), Moonrise Wheel (Divine)

- Romance Case

I Attributes (Lv 0): 

Team HP: +179032

Team ATK: +8952

Team DEF: +8952

l Feng Shui Effect (7-star):

Every enemy defeated in Explore increases Team HP by 700 (0/700000). Every Celestial Gear (Aura Gear included) equipped increases attributes from Value Increase and Appraise of the Relic by 1.6% (3.2%/80%). Decrease Team DMG taken by 40%. (unlock at 7-star Lv. 100)

l Increase level and star level to increase attributes added. Sublime is available for the relic.

Active Skill: Shaken Heaven (Lv. 1)

Recover HP of 15% ally Necromancer's max HP for 2 allies and cast Mirror Flip (During the effect duration, each time DMG is taken, there is a 30% chance to trigger Knockback (reflect 25% of DMG to the attacker, not exceeding 100% of the current Hero's HP), undispellable and nonstackable.), lasting 2 rounds. If the Hero has Mirror Flip and Prism at the same time, the Prism reflection effect is prioritized. If the reflection occurs within the round, Mirror Flip will no longer take effect.

Rage Skill: Mirror Reflection (Lv. 1)

Recover HP of 15% ally Necromancer's max HP for 3 allies and cast Prism (During the effect duration, increase ATK and DEF by 10%; each time DMG is taken, there is a 30% chance to reflect (be immune to the DMG and reflect 50% of DMG to the attacker, not exceeding 100% of the current Hero's HP); if the reflection is not triggered, Counter instantly occurs once (release Active Skill); Reflect and Counter take effect twice at most each round, undispellable and nonstackable.), lasting 2 rounds.

Passive Skill: Loyal Follower (Lv. 1)

Share 60% DMG on allies and receive the shared DMG with a 30% decrease.

l Obtain from Events.


- Pentacolor Orb (Supernal)

I Attributes (Lv 0): 

Team HP: +95832

Team ATK: +4792

Team DEF: +4792

l Feng Shui Effect (7-star):

Each Heir Travel reward claimed increases Team ATK by 500 (0/50000). Each Awaken Star increased increases attributes from Value Increase and Appraise of the Relic by 2%(30%/60%). Increase Team Rage Skill DMG dealt by 35%. (unlock at 7-star Lv. 100)

Active Skill: Light Glides (Lv. 1)

Grant Control Immunity once to 2 allies with the highest ATK, lasting 2 rounds and undispellable, and recover the targets' HP by 15% of Necromancer's max HP. The exceeding Healing amount, if any, will be turned into Shield at a rate of 20%. Shield lasts for 2 rounds and is undispellable.

Rage Skill: Dust Meander (Lv. 1)

Restore HP for 3 allies with the highest ATK by 15% of Necromancer's max HP and cast Fury on them that increases their ATK by 10% and CRIT DMG by 20%, with a 10% chance of DMG immunity per attack and a 100% chance of lethal DMG immunity once, cannot be stacked or dispelled, lasting 2 rounds.

Passive Skill: Loyal Follower (Lv. 1)

Share 60% DMG on allies and receive the shared DMG with a 30% decrease.


- Phoenix Diadem (Supernal)

I Attributes (Lv 0): 

Team HP: +98215

Team ATK: +4911

Team DEF: +4911

l Feng Shui Effect (7-star):

Each Spirit Stable reward claimed increases Team DMG Buff by 0.8% (0/400%). Each Tier increased (including the initial Tier) increases attributes from Value Increase and Appraise of the Relic by 1% (1%/69%). Decrease Rage Skill DMG taken by 35%. (unlock at 7-star Lv. 100)

Active Skill: Welkin Match (Lv. 1)

Deal DMG of 15% ally Necromancer's max HP to 2 enemies with the highest ATK (not exceeding 500% of Character's ATK) and cast Sizzling on targets (when Sizzling is effective, at the end of each round, targets receive extra DMG of 3% ally Necromancer's max HP, not exceeding 500% of Character's ATK), lasting 2 rounds, undispellable and cannot be stacked.

Rage Skill: Roaring Bless (Lv. 1)

Deal DMG of 10% ally Necromancer's max HP to all enemies (not exceeding 500% of Character's ATK) and cast Sizzling on them, already effective Sizzling on targets turning into Burning (Healing effect is decreased by 10% and at the end of each round, targets receive an extra DMG of 7% ally Necromancer's max HP (not exceeding 500% of Character's ATK), and targets' max HP is decreased by 4%, lasting 2 rounds, undispellable and cannot be stacked).

Passive Skill: Loyal Follower (Lv. 1)

Share 60% DMG on allies and receive the shared DMG with a 30% decrease.


- Moonrise Wheel (Divine)

I Attributes (Lv 0): 

Team HP: +33000

Team ATK: +1650

Team DEF: +1650

l Feng Shui Effect (7-star):

Increase drop rate of Fabled and Godly designs in Cross-server Elite Trial by 100%; Every participation in Great Crusade Point Contest increases the temporary attribute buff (HP/ATK/DEF) of the Note effect activated by Tactic Points in Battle Note by 0.75% (0%/15%).(unlock at 7-star Lv. 100)

Active Skill: Lake Moon (Lv. 1)

Deal DMG of 7% ally Necromancer's max HP to 2 enemies with the highest ATK (not exceeding 220% of Character's ATK) and Weaken the targets (decrease the targets' ATK by 8%), lasting 2 rounds, undispellable and nonstackable.

Rage Skill: Lost Dream (Lv. 1)

Deal DMG of 16% ally Necromancer's max HP to 2 enemies with the highest ATK (not exceeding 350% of Character's ATK) and Frazzle the targets (decrease the targets' DMG Buff by 25% and CRIT DMG by 50%), lasting 2 rounds, undispellable and nonstackable.

Passive Skill: Loyal Follower (Lv. 1)

Share 60% DMG on allies and receive the shared DMG with a 30% decrease.


5. New Ride: Winged Boat (Godly), Vernal Corner, Owl Lantern, Sundae Swirl

1)Winged Boat (Godly)



Team AGI: 120

Team ATK: 430

Team DEF: 430

Speed Buff: 50%

Obtain from Events.


2)Vernal Corner



Team ATK: 385

Team RES: 365

Obtain from Shared Journey.


3)Owl Lantern



Team HP: 3000

Team ATK: 200

Obtain from Events.


4)Sundae Swirl



Team HP: 2200

Team DEF: 140

Speed Buff: 30%

Obtain from Shared Journey.


6. New Costume: Frosted Land, Rosy Spring, Soft Whispers, Frenzy Chase (Hair), Floating Moon (Headdress), 4th Anniversary (Headdress), Berry Cub (Handheld), Wind Plume (Handheld), Joyful Moment (Mask)


Various new costumes for character are coming! Participate in the events and get your preferred ones!


7. New Function in the Summon Tower: Rolling Fortune

The Rolling Fortune Roulette will be available in the Summon Tower, unlocking when Character level reaches 100. Spin the Roulette for a chance to obtain Gear Runes.



1. There will be a 5-minute maintenance countdown before the maintenance starts, during which you can not do anything in the game. As soon as the maintenance starts, you will not be able to log in the game. Please arrange your time in advance.

2. Please take note of your account, password as well as your server name before the maintenance.

3. Please pay attention to the time of your Banquets and prearrange them in case of any unnecessary losses.

4. Thanks for your understanding and support. Please do not hesitate to contact us as following if you have any problems.

Customer Service Email: fswqg_service@friendtimes.net