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2024/2/27 Maintenance Announcement2024-02-25 10:00:00

Dear Ladies and Lords,


To provide you with a better gaming experience, all servers of Fate of the Empress will be under maintenance on 2024/2/27 (UTC+8). You will not be able to login to the game during the maintenance. The estimated maintenance duration is about 6 hours. And maintenance time may be adjusted according to the actual situation.


Update rewards will be sent by mail after the maintenance.


Players of SEA Servers may not be able to participate in Trivia Quiz (18:30) on 2024/2/27 due to the maintenance.

Players of EU Servers may not be able to participate in Trivia Quiz (12:00) and Noon·Wondrous Talents (12:30) on 2024/2/27 due to the maintenance.


This update will be contained in a patch, which will be detected and loaded when you log in to the game after the maintenance.


Maintenance Duration】

SEA Servers: 2/27 14:00 - 20:00 (UTC+8)

NA Servers: 2/26 22:00 - 2/27 04:00 (UTC-8)

EU Servers: 2/27 07:00 - 13:00 (UTC+1)



All servers



1. New Function

- Gear Burnish

The new function Gear Burnish unlocks at Character Lv. 130. It is for Blaze and better Gear only. Burnish the Gear with Burnish Stone for a chance to improve Enhance, Refine, Basic (Advance included) attributes of the Gear in percentage. Burnish success is guaranteed with a specific number of attempts. Stars will not be deducted in failed attempts. Max Star Levels for Gear of different qualities are, 5-star for Blaze Gear, 10-star for Nirvana Gear and 15-star for Galaxy and Class Gear.

- Necromancer Guise

The Necromancer can have many Guises, of which the buffs for team attributes will be effective at the same time. Passive skills of the Guise will be effective only after the Guise is equipped. Obtain the specific Guise to get the corresponding team attribute buff. No need to equip it. Every 1 guise collected grants team attribute buffs.

- Artistry

The new function Artistry unlocks at Character Lv. 115. Based on the Class of Character and Heroes, the corresponding Artistry can be studied after Lv. 10. The Artistry for different Classes will be: Guard-Chess, Scholar-Music, Doctor-Calligraphy, Gourmet-Painting. Study will increase Command level. Extra buffs will be activated at certain Command levels, increasing Might of Artifacts and Mementos.


2. New Pet: Pixiu (Godly)


Gift: 75-180   

Personality: Cautious

|Exclusive Skill:

Thunder Fury: In the first 3 rounds, deal DMG to 3 enemies.

Lightning Fury (Unlock at Condense Tier 2): In the first 3 rounds, deal DMG to 3 enemies and deal additional DMG to targets (not exceeding 100% ATK).

Meteor Thunder (Unlock at Condense Tier 5): In the first 3 rounds, deal DMG to 3 enemies and deal additional DMG to targets (not exceeding 100% ATK). Cast Vulnerable effect on targets, increasing DMG taken from Reflect/Ricochet for 2 rounds. 2 layers can be stacked.


3. New Spirit: Teal Waves

Teal Waves


Passive Skill: Petal Fate (Lv.5)

Increase the carrier's ATK, CRIT DMG and CRIT at the beginning of the round. (Upgrade to [Mid Blossom I])


4. New Relic: Lovebird Lamp (Divine)

I Attributes (Lv 0): 

Team HP: +36000

Team ATK: +1800

Team DEF: +1800

Team RES: +1872 (Unlock at 4-star Lv.70)

l Feng Shui Effect (7-star):

Increase HP of Relic Reverb Slot 2 by 70%. Every challenge in Guild Trial increases Team DMG RES by 0.16% (0/160%). In PVP battles, gain an extra Team DMG Res by 30% (Unlock at 7-star Lv.100).

l Increase level and star level to increase attributes added. Sublime is available for the relic.


5. New Ride: Carousel, Chubby Duck; Luster Appearance: Dreamland, Mother Duck

(1) Carousel (Triple)



Team AGI: 65

Team RES: 350

Obtain from Events.


(2) Chubby Duck


Team DEF: 155

Team HP: 2150

Obtain from Events.


6. New Costume: Rosy Clouds, Joyous Night, Scenery Stitches, Midnight Glint; Heir Costume: Flute Rhythm


Various new costumes for character are coming! Participate in the events and get your preferred ones!


7. Other Optimizations

After the maintenance, your highness can use the Pet Bait to catch pet-Dancing Lion.



1. There will be a 5-minute maintenance countdown before the maintenance starts, during which you can not do anything in the game. As soon as the maintenance starts, you will not be able to log in the game. Please arrange your time in advance.

2. Please take note of your account, password as well as your server name before the maintenance.

3. Please pay attention to the time of your Banquets and prearrange them in case of any unnecessary losses.

4. Thanks for your understanding and support. Please do not hesitate to contact us as following if you have any problems.

Customer Service Email: fswqg_service@friendtimes.net