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2022/11/28 Maintenance Announcement2022-11-26 13:02:47

Dear Ladies and Lords,


To provide you with a better gaming experience, all servers of Fate of the Empress will be under maintenance on 2022/11/28 (UTC+8). You will not be able to login to the game during the maintenance. The estimated maintenance duration is about 7.5 hours. And maintenance time may be adjusted according to the actual situation.


Update rewards will be sent by mail after the maintenance.


Players of SEA Servers may not be able to participate in Trivia Quiz (18:30) and Dusk·Wondrous Talents on 2022/11/28 due to the maintenance.

Players of EU Servers may not be able to participate in Trivia Quiz (12:00) and Flower Fete on 2022/11/28 due to the maintenance.


Corresponding compensation rewards will be sent to players of those servers after the maintenance.


Moreover, please pay attention to the time of your Banquets and pre-arrange them in case of any unnecessary losses.


After the update is completed, your highness can download the latest game version (2.1.5) at App Store or Google Play or use version 2.1.4 to load the latest patch resources to enter the game and experience the new version content.


Maintenance Duration】

SEA Servers: 11/28 13:30 - 21:00 (UTC+8)

NA Servers: 11/27 21:30 - 11/28 05:00 (UTC-8)

EU Servers: 11/28 06:30 - 14:00 (UTC+1)



All servers



1. New Function:

(1) Pet Totem&Seal

-Pet Totem

Pet Totem unlocks at Character Lv. 65 and becomes available to equip when Pet Advance reaches Lv. 5. Pet Totem provides Pet a new Totem Power passive skill.


Seals can be equipped on Totem. There are 7 types of Seals and Seals of different types have different specialties. Seal has initial prefixes, the higher the quality of seal spirit can have more Prefixes. There can be up to 4 Attribute Prefixes.

(2) Pet Bloodline

There are 3 pet bloodlines: Water, Fire and Earth. Every pet resonates with one of the three bloodlines. Bloodline Resonance grants pets attribute buffs. The bloodline attribute is capped by the quality. The better the quality, the higher the cap.

(3) Pet Inherit

Pet Inherit is available after the Pet Bloodline has been increased. Inherit can only be performed between pets with the same Bloodline Resonance. Inherited pet will inherit Pet Level and Bloodline Level.


2. New Gameplay: Desert Tales 

The phase 1 of Desert Tales will begin at 10:00am on 2022/12/19, your highness  will be able to participate in the event when character level reaches Lv. 65 and your server is in a division. During the event, you will be randomly assigned to one of the clans of Zhurong, Houtu and Xuanming. The clan can not be changed. Your highness need to collect and escort the Insignia to the guardian. The island Guardian will show up when all Insignia are collected. Defeat the Island Guardian to enter Island Settlement Phase. Clans will be ranked based on their total capture points. The first place will occupy the Island and earn lots of spirit pets items. Your highness can obtain one of the spirit pets of Yinglong, Bifang, Diting in Desert Tales event.


3. New Spirit Pets


(1) Diting

Gift: 20-180   

Personality: Brave

Skill: (The better the gift, the higher the quality and more skills owned by the pet)

Diting Roar(exclusive): Add Ditings Roar effects to 2 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing HP cap for 15 rounds.(Can not be stacked or dispelled)

Tunder Rage(unlock at T2 Condense): Add Ditings Roar effects to 3 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing HP cap for 15 rounds (can not be stacked or dispelled). Recover Rage for the caster.

Howling Gale(unlock at T5 Condense): Add Ditings Roar effects to 3 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing HP cap for 15 rounds(can not be stacked or dispelled). Recover Rage for the caster, and steal Rage from 2 enemies, which is evenly distributed to 2 allies.

Furious Roar(unlock at T9 Condense): Add Ditings Roar effects to 3 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing HP cap for 15 rounds(can not be stacked or dispelled). Recover Rage for the caster, and steal Rage from 2 enemies, which is evenly distributed to 2 allies. When defeated, increase Rage for one ally.

Hide: Increase Pet DEF

Bold: Increase a certain percentage of Pet HP

Tear: Increase a certain percentage of Pet BEF

Lick Wound: Increase Pet DMG RES

Swiftness: Increase AGI


(2) Bifang

Gift: 20-180   

Personality: Grumpy

Skill: (The better the gift, the higher the quality and more skills owned by the pet)

Ancient Fury(exclusive): Add 1-2 layers of Scorch effects to 2 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, increasing DMG taken by enemies for 15 rounds (can be stacked out not be dispelled). Fire Burst is triggered when Scorch on a single unit reaches 3 layers. Such 3 layers will be consumed and the unit takes DMG at the end of this round.

Ablaze Sky(unlock at T2 Condense): Add 1-2 layers of Scorch effects to 3 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, with the chance of 2 layers increased, increasing DMG taken by enemies for 15 rounds( can be stacked but not be dispelled). Fire Burst is triggered when Scorch on a single unit reaches 3 layers, Such 3 layers will be consumed and the unit takes DMG at the end of this round.

Shiny Leap(unlock at T5 Condense): Add 1-2 layers of Scorch effects to 3 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, with the chance of 2 layers increased, increasing DMG taken by enemies for 15 rounds(can be stacked but not dispelled). Fire Burst is triggered when Scorch on a single unit reaches 3 layers. Such 3 layers will be consumed and the unit takes DMG at the end of this round.

Endless Flame(unlock at T9 Condense): Add 1-2 layers of Scorch effects to 2 enemies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, increasing DMG taken by enemies for 15 rounds(can be stacked but not be dispelled). Fire Burst is triggered when Scorch on a single unit reaches 3 layers. Such 3 layers will be consumed, the unit takes DMG and Scorch on other enemies will be ignited at the end of this round.

Rip: Increase Pet ATK

Bold: Increase a certain percentage of Pet HP

Aggression: Increase a certain percentage of Pet ATK

Claws: Increase Pet DMG Buff

Swiftness: Increase AGI


(3) Yinglong

Gift: 20-180   

Personality: Naughty

Skill: (The better the gift, the higher the quality and more skills owned by the pet)

Choppy Waves(exclusive): Add Dragon Lurk effects to 3 allies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing DMG taken each round for 15 rounds. (Cannot be stacked)

Boundless White(unlock at T2 Condense): Add Dragon Luck effects to 3 allies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing DMG taken each round for 15 rounds (can not be stacked). Add Aqua Shield to 2 allies, absorbing certain DMG when the DMG taken is beyond the limits. Shield disappears after taking effect.

Void Abyss(unlock at T5 Condense): Add Dragon Lurk effects to 3 allies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing DMG taken each round for 15 rounds (can not be stacked). Add Aqua Shield to 3 allies, absorbing certain DMG when the DMG taken is beyond the limits. Shield disappears after taking effect twice.

Churning Waves(unlock at T9 Condense): Add Dragon Lurk effects to 3 allies at the beginning of the first 3 rounds, decreasing DMG taken each round for 15 rounds (cannot be stacked). Add Aqua Shield to 3 allies, absorbing certain DMG when the DMG taken is beyond the limits. Shield disappears after taking effect twice. Aqua Shield can reflect debuffs (like Freeze, Stun, Daze, and Confuse) and there is a chance to reflect once again. (Valid once during the shield duration)

Hide: Increase Pet DEF

Bold: Increase a certain percentage of Pet HP

Tear: Increase a certain percentage of Pet BEF

Lick Wound: Increase Pet DMG RES

Swiftness: Increase AGI


4. New Ride: Magic Lamp



Team DEF: 85

Team HP: 1250

Speed Buff: 30%

Obtain for Events.


5. New Costume: Worldly Joy, Garnet Winter, Lilac Plume; Heir Costume: Worldly Joy


Various new costumes for character and heir are coming! Participate in the events and get your preferred ones!


6. New Skin: Intertwined Love


New skin for Zhao Jing

Active Skill: Crimson Yearning (Lv.1)

Deal DMG of 80% ATK to 2 enemies and decrease AGI by 9%, lasting 2 rounds. Recover 10% of max HP of Zhao Jing for herself and the two weakest allies.

Rage Skill: Crimson Reverie (Lv.1)

Restore HP of 26% Zhao Jings HP for 4 random allies, the exceeding part of which will be turned into Reflect Shield. A max of Reflect Shield equaling no more than 50% of Zhao Jings HP can be stacked. The healing effect will be increased by 2% for every 15% HP lost.

Passive Skill: Crimson Autumn (Lv.0)

Revive and transfer 45% HP to the first defeated ally of the round(can be released every 2 rounds). Rage will be kept. Double the healing effects received for herself and the healing effects can be stacked.


7. Other Optimizations:  

1. New Ring Archive—Love Crush, the Archive includes rings: Resonant Minds, Lifelong Fidelity, Engraved Love, Love Faith, Pure Heart.



1. There will be a 5-minute maintenance countdown before the maintenance starts, during which you can not do anything in the game. As soon as the maintenance starts, you will not be able to log in the game. Please arrange your time in advance.

2. Please take note of your account, password as well as your server name before the maintenance.

3. Please pay attention to the time of your Banquets and prearrange them in case of any unnecessary losses.

4. Thanks for your understanding and support. Please do not hesitate to contact us as following if you have any problems.

Customer Service Email: fswqg_service@friendtimes.net