Official Top-up Store Monthly Lucky Draw Event>2024-11-01 18:00:00

Dear Ladies and Lords, the official web top-up store of Fate of the Empress is now open!

Here is the ONLY OFFICIAL LINK for web top-up:

To thank you for supporting our top-up store, we will hold a monthly lucky draw. We will select 3 lucky orders each month to win an extra reward!

How to Participate

To participate in the monthly lucky draw, please fill out the Google Form for the current month. The link will be revealed via our official Facebook.

Information needed: 

①An order number of a successful top-up within the current event period.

②The server and in-game character name corresponding to this order. 

(If there is a mismatch between the order number and the character provided, it may result in loss of eligibility for the lucky draw.)

Event Rules

The Google Form will be open throughout the whole month. 

At the start of the following month, we will close the form, filter out all valid orders and select 3 lucky winners.

The reward will be delivered to the in-game mailbox of the character corresponding to the top-up order. The character to receive the reward cannot be modified.

The lucky draw will be processed by order numbers. If you have multiple orders for the same character, you can fill in the Google Form for multiple times for a better chance of winning. 

For example, if you have 3 top-up orders for a character and fill out the form 3 times, then all 3 orders will have a chance to win.

Again, thanks for your support, and good luck!