2024/11/8-11/13 Server-merge Announcement>2024-10-28 13:48:41

Dear Ladies and Lords,

To provide you with a better gaming experience, some servers will be merged from November 8th to November 13th (UTC+8). Your highness will be able to get acquainted with more friends in game afterwards. The listed servers will be under maintenance for about 10 hours to be merged. Players of the listed servers will not be able to login to the game during the maintenance. And maintenance time may be adjusted according to the actual situation.


Servers to be Merged & Maintenance Duration

1028合服 新马 EN.png

1028合服 北美 EN.png

1028合服 欧洲 EN.png




1.Banquets reserved or locked before the merge in the listed servers will be canceled during the maintenance. Ingots and Venue Coupons consumed will be returned. Your highness will have to reserve banquets after the maintenance.

2.Players with supreme rank will be automatically demoted after the server merge and the players demoted can receive their compensation rewards in the mail.

3.Appeal points with all Counselors will be saved. After the server merge, all Counselors will be back to neutral and should be re-invited by guilds. Therefore, for each Counselor invited before the merge, all guild members will receive a compensation.



1.Players of the listed servers will not be able to login to the game during the maintenance.

2.Unlisted servers will not be affected. Players of the unlisted servers can login to the game during the maintenance.

3.Please find more details about server-merge at our official website: Server Merge Rules


Fate of the Empress Operation Team
